Lead From the Heart.

Hi, I’m Frances!

I help highly-driven women become embodied and conscious leaders of our times.

Break free from your old stories, move from fear and anxiety, and become unstoppable in love and life.

Your unhealthy habitual patterns may make you feel stuck and frustrated. The good news is that you can learn new skills, heal your nervous system, and expand your capacity to thrive so that you can be a leader and changemaker our world needs.

Let me show you how!

I get it; being a leader is not easy.

When you ground on self-awareness, authenticity, and presence, you develop a holistic way of being and expand your capacity to lead.

Here are some ways I can help..

  • Evolve from the toxic patterns of the past and know how to transform your core relational habits. Rewrite your old story into a powerful one.

  • Let go of chronic people-pleasing, unhealthy habitual patterns and victimization. Step into your power and learn to thrive in your relationships, especially with yourself and all areas of your life.

  • Be reminded of your inherent worth. Learn to disarm your inner critic and work skillfully with your thoughts. Learn how to fully love yourself and be your own biggest ally.

  • Build a strong and loving connection with yourself. Know the difference between a growth and a fixed mindset. Set happiness on your terms.

  • Learn how to say no and mean it. Stop sabotaging yourself and your relationships. Know if you have codependent traits and learn how to overcome them.

  • Learn to heal and regulate your nervous system with mind-body tools and practices to help you self-soothe. Possess self-leadership skills to build resilience.

Work With Me

Individual Private Coaching

Personalized coaching for high-achieving women who want a more integrated approach to life and leadership. Learn what it’s like to be an embodied leader and make an impact with your work.

Join The Chrysalis Community

The Chrysalis is a growth container for women, and each month, we offer a free session on a topic that matters in helping us become embodied leaders.

Join our monthly sessions and be part of a growing community of like-minded women.

Client Love

“It was a brilliant course with the most amazing coach. I am honored to have worked with Frances; her kindness, patience, and guidance have been indispensable over the 8 weeks. She is an amazing listener; I feel 100% confident about sharing anything with her. By allowing myself to voice my fears and worries, we were able to transform them into powerful intentions. This allowed me to shift my focus and actively create happiness in my life. Thank you for helping me transform my habits and manifest love into my life.

Once again, thank you so much for working with me. I have continued working on my intentions, and the change I see in my relationships, everyday life, mood, and priorities are phenomenal.”

- Anne, United Kingdom

“I very much enjoyed my weekly calls with Frances. Through our sessions, I learned about myself and my feelings in a way that I did not when doing the course on my own. She is encouraging and helps you to dig deeper without being pushy. Sharing with her is always a safe space, which is important. Frances has a calm about her that is very approachable.”

— Megan, NJ, USA

“Frances has been a wonderful coach! She guided me through and helped me open myself up to love. With her guidance, I started to love myself more and became more compassionate. I feel secure and confident in myself. I know that as I continue to source my power from within, love will find a way.

— Joanna, Singapore

Can I send you some love notes?

They’re like love letters from a friend, with inspiration, practices, and advice to help you thrive in a conscious and loving connection with yourself and others.

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